Description of Business name
Mandala, as derived from the mandala flower, means “empathy, love, charm, passion, development, and hope”. Our Mandala symbol uses natural elements and consists of a sun, 12 moon cycles and 12 leaves. The sun and moons are set in circles to represent the circular nature of life and positive growth.
Just as every living thing on earth needs the sun for survival, our individual life (moon cycles) depends greatly on our health (sun). Good health is essential for a good quality of life. When a person is in full health, they are complete. The leaves represent greenery and express that we breathe to live, to heal and to be calm. A natural environment needs to be protected by humans. We breathe to expand our energy and support our bodies’ engine to work in their most powerful state and as well as to rest and relax well.
The word 'Mandala' in our logo is made up of many different sized coloured circles in each letter. Various circles represent individual age, size, gender and personality. We are all interconnected and play a part to create our community. When we improve and achieve better health individually, our personal energy expands and extends out to others. As more individuals improve themselves, the community at large will improve and the increase in positive energy will spread throughout, just like the bright light shining forth from the sun.
Human health is closely connected to the health of animals, plants, and the environment.
Our letter “a” is a bird in the word “Health”. A bird is used to represent human-animal bond in a mutually beneficial relationship that is influenced by behaviours essential to the mental, physical, and social health and wellbeing of both.
Birds express our philosophy keep systems in balance, contribute cultural exchanges, provisioning, supporting, and regulating ecosystem services. Birds provide inspiration to people who aspires for freedom and balance. Your freedom + your balance = your health.
The double “ll” in word “Wellness” are drawn as two trees. Trees are used to represent plants in “Wellness”. This reminds us of the role trees play in the ecosystem which is vital for human and other life on earth as trees help reduce stress and lessen depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. Trees and humans also have an interdependent relationship. “Wellness plants = Wellness people”. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere.
Trees express our philosophy through their symbol of strength, individuality and expression, calmness, growth and the interconnection to everything.
Health is not merely a state where the physical body is free of disease or infirmity. It is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. It is the overall balance of a person’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental and occupational well-being.